

Synergy Archery Program Logo. Synergy "S" with two crossed arrows behind.

Archery is a competitive and recreational sport that challenges athletes to shoot arrows into a target at a given distance. The Synergy Archery program focuses on target archery, a version of archery that takes place indoors and outdoors and focuses on shooting accuracy utilizing different sized target faces placed at different distances based on the archer’s skill and archery goals.


The program is open to those 12 years and older who have a primary physical disability. Athletes are welcome to bring their own bow, but program bows and arrows are available for use. Adaptive equipment and techniques make archery accessible to almost anyone, including those with visual impairments, amputations, muscle weakness or gripping challenges, and those who are wheelchair users.


@ Blackwell Archery Range, Warrenville 60555

Season details

Synergy Archery typically runs in two seasons – outdoor season in warmer months and indoor season in cooler months. Instructional practices typically run Monday evenings. Registration is by season, but if you are interested in a one-day free trial, please contact us directly at Competition opportunities are also available and are encouraged. Participation in competitions is not required as part of the training program, however.

Archery Training

Open to ALL LEVELS of archers, beginners to advanced. Our certified instructors will work with you to progress your shooting outcomes to meet your goals in the sport.

“A good archer is known not by his arrows, but by his aim.”

-Thomas Fuller

athlete & family Testimonials


“Before adaptive sports, I felt like I had no “fun” purpose. (I was a very active athlete in 3 different sports growing up.) Finding out about Synergy and that I can have fun is a HUGE blessing! I have gained self-confidence that I can do a sport being in a wheelchair! My own self-respect that I am worthy to continue in whichever adaptive sport I choose! I now have hope within and a warrior spirit in any sport!”

Tina Marie Amodeo, Synergy Multi-Sport Athlete

Before becoming involved in adaptive sports, I was not as active as I wanted to be and was searching for a place to maintain my health and fitness as well as offer an outlet for socialization. Not only have I achieved becoming more active, which has improved my overall strength, therefore improving my skill level in both archery and boccia, but it has also made daily tasks easier. I am grateful for the camaraderie Synergy instills.

Michele Lynch, Synergy Multi-Sport Athlete

Meet the Coaches!

Sue & Mike Filipiak

Sue & Mike Filipiak


Sue Filipiak – USA Archery Level 4 Certified

Coach Sue has been shooting since she was 4 years old, competing since she was a teenager and coaching for over 10 years. In her many years of competing, she has been a Junior and Intermediate Olympic Recurve Champion in the Chicago Park Distict (CPDAA) and Illinois State, a compound NFAA Sectional champion and a top ten National arcer in both the NFAA and USA Archery organizations. Her vast competitive experience makes her a huge asset when working with our Synergy archers, knowing that shooting is just one part of competing. As a level 4 certified coach, Sue specialized in the mental aspect of competing, calming nerves and providing each archer guidance to be their best selves at the range.

Mike Filipiak – USA Archery Level 3 Certified

Coach Mike has over 55 years of shooting experience in all disciplines (Olympic, recurve, barebow, traditional and compound). He specializes in teaching the patience and skills needed to progress in their archery goals. Also an accomplished competitor, Coach Mike has been an NFAA State and Aggregate champion in 3D, Field and Target shoots throughout the years. With a lifelong love of archery, he is able to pass along not only knolwedge, but a apassion for all aspects of the sport of archery. His favorite part of coaching is seeing an archer succeed, walking or pushing off the shooting line with a big smile on their face.

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